Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Searching for a name

As I begin this journey into the food blogosphere I realized that I needed a name.  Something that keeps me focused and my blog interesting. Something to be remembered. Something that can describe everything I want to portray in a few simple words.  So far I have gotten a few ideas.

"Heaven in your mouth" - A reminder of the name of the bakery I want to open someday with my friends
"Wela's Good Eats" - An idea based on the fact that my husband eats pretty well
"Tasha's Ono Finds" - Definitely describes what I'm doing but doesn't have the punch I'm looking for
"Food Justice" - A very good idea based on my astrology sign being a Libra and the symbol for that being weighted scales
"Food: the greater good" - This one came to me as Wela was watching MI-5 and said, "the greater good" out loud 

As of right now, my header says, Food: the greater good.  I'm going to play around with some ideas over the next couple of days and hopefully I will be able to decide.  If only I could channel into the mind of the great blogger The Pioneer Woman to help me figure this out.  That would be amazing!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Food and Photography

I decided during much prodding by my fellow co-worker to rededicate my blog to food.  I have been taking pictures of the food I cook in my kitchen and the food I order at restaurants wherever I go.  Traveling to new places has furthered my passion for food and for photography leading me to the website Foodspotting.  

This website lets you upload pictures of the food you recommend in different restaurants, mark where it is located on a map, and share it with other food spotters around the world.  This website puts a fresh spin on the website yelp.com by giving users around the world a visual into what's on the menu.  Check it out yourself and follow other foodspotters to map out where you are going to eat next!