Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Searching for a name

As I begin this journey into the food blogosphere I realized that I needed a name.  Something that keeps me focused and my blog interesting. Something to be remembered. Something that can describe everything I want to portray in a few simple words.  So far I have gotten a few ideas.

"Heaven in your mouth" - A reminder of the name of the bakery I want to open someday with my friends
"Wela's Good Eats" - An idea based on the fact that my husband eats pretty well
"Tasha's Ono Finds" - Definitely describes what I'm doing but doesn't have the punch I'm looking for
"Food Justice" - A very good idea based on my astrology sign being a Libra and the symbol for that being weighted scales
"Food: the greater good" - This one came to me as Wela was watching MI-5 and said, "the greater good" out loud 

As of right now, my header says, Food: the greater good.  I'm going to play around with some ideas over the next couple of days and hopefully I will be able to decide.  If only I could channel into the mind of the great blogger The Pioneer Woman to help me figure this out.  That would be amazing!

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